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Saturday, January 21, 2012


4 answers today to 4 questions....
10. Favorite Sub-Unit
well I really don't know... maybe Puchimoni or Mini Moni or Guardians 4 <--- That is one right
11. Favorite Voice
well of course that is Suzuki Airi, but I have already talked about her and I have talked about Yajima Maimi, so I will go to Okai Chisato. Well no my favorite voice other than Suzuki Airi or Yajima Maimi is not Chisato it would be Niigaki Risa.
Risa is pretty. but I really like her voice. She sounds great in the newest MM single. I like her low voice it is cute~\

12. Most disliked voice
Sayashi Riho
I have never liked her voice, and that she gets a big spotlight in Morning Musume. She ruined MM and everything else that has her in it. (Just my opinion. don't judge)

13. Merchandise
I actually don't have any cause my parents won't let me order...

Yajima Maimi- Casual dinner show announced

Casual Dinner Show announced for Yajima Maimi.~ This is her 1st and it will be in March.
 The prices for the tickets are somewhat costly since it includes the cost of dinner (around $180~194 US dollars) but if she is your idol I think you should go this is a chance to see Maimi alone while eating dinner. I would go since she is my 2nd favorite but I am not in Japan at the moment, and my parents wouldn't allow it :(
So please support Maimi if you can!!!
The dates are set for 3/17 at La Donna (14:00 and 18:30) and 3/20 at Flamingo the Arusha (14:00 and 18:00).

Berryz Kobou - 28th single titled “Be Genki / untitled”, Double A-Side

Possibly a double a-sided single, as expected from Berryz, I haven't much new about them lately.
HASN'T Confirmed by UFA~ but from sites like Amazon~
The single is set to release on 3/21 and the Single V will be released on 4/4.
Why super womanish outfits??????? while performing????

Monday, January 16, 2012

2 questions:2 answers

8. Top 10?
10. Fukuda Kanon
9. Kumai Yurina
8. Fukumura Mizuki (how do you spell last name?)
7. Ishida Ayumi
6. Tanaka Reina
5. Nakajima Saki
4. Hagiwara Mai
3. Chisato Okai
2. Yajima Maimi
1. Suzuki Airi

9. Most disliked?
Sayumi you are my most disliked. I dislike your voice, your personality and you always saying you are the cutest. GET A LIFE. (No offence to ppl that like her)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Questions and news

I probably won't get a chance to answer the questions on the right day so I am doing 3 more today.~~~`~~~~~`~~~~~~~`
5. Favorite C-ute member?
Well we all know the answer to that AIRI~~~~~~~~~~ So I guess I will tell you my 2nd favorite C-ute member. It is Yajima Maimi. all of these posts will be kinda short
so..................................................................................................... NEXT!
6. Favorite berryz member?
Kumai Yurina~ She is tall which I like cause I am tall, she has an amazing voice, and she is really pretty.

7. Favorite S/mileage member?
Fukuda Kanon, She really won me over in S/mileage, even used to be like Yuukarin but I was going KANYON~


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

C-ute - “Dai Nana Sho Utsukushikutte Gomen ne” LQ Covers Released

About time something about C-ute.

Left: Limited, Right: Regular.
I personally like the regular better than the limited

sorry no internet for past few days...

so i will answer 3 questions...
2. Why do you like H!P?
I really think it is cause of the music. Everyone is just so KAWAII~
Not only the music but everything is wonderful it makes me jealous that I can't meet and hang out with each of them especially Airi.

3. What is your favorite group in H!P?
Definitely C-ute!!! They are all energetic and have good concerts. Sure I don't like some of their songs but that is okay.

4. Favorite MM member?
well I can't decide between Ishida Ayumi or Tanaka Reina. Ayumi is cute and younger and will not graduate soon, is every sempai leaving? They both have great singing voice, dance skills, and looks that kill.

MM's new single Pyoko Pyoko Ultra pv is out I know I mispelled that. pv

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Who is your FAVORITE H!P member?

It is............................................................ Reina...................................................................................................., jk, it is Airi!
So cute right?! I am all about Airi in H!P. Why I like her is because of her personality her amazing singing voice or because she is just a amazing idol. I used to not like her when I was all about Morning Musume, but slowly MM made songs I really didn't like and so I went to C-ute. Where I found Airi.~ I like it better when she sings happy up beat songs compared to slow boring ones. So I really liked her in "Momoiro Sparkling". Who is your favorite?

I will also be doing what ReinaFanChuuu did.
Also my name is Luna.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Q & A

Yes questions and answers, we all knew it was going to happen sometime... so here will be the questions.....

  1.  Who is your favorite H!P member?
  2. Why do you like H!P?
  3. Who is your favorite group?
  4. Favorite MM member?
  5. Favorite C-ute member?
  6. Favorite Berryz member?
  7. Favorite S/mileage member?
  8. Top 10?
  9. Most disliked?
  10. Favorite sub-unit?
  11. Favorite voice?
  12. Most disliked voice?
  13. Merchandise?
  14. Favorite Graduated member?
  15. Favortie single?
  16. Worst single?
  17. Favorite couple?
  18. Favorite outfit?
  19. Concert?
  20. Least favorite group?
  21. Favorite blog to read?
  22. Favorite drama?
  23. If i had free time and got to hang out with a member who would it be?
  24. Fav helloprotime?
  25. least favorite outfits?
  26. Least favorite couple?
  27. Best body?
  28. Worst body?
  29. And a day to ask me a question.....................


    It is me I am back I am still a worthless blog that no one probably reads but if you do read please comment at any point (Today, Tomorrow, a Year WTH!!!)
    So Because I am back and I was gonna do this before I left but I didn't get a chance :( so I will do it now :) please switch over to next post............................................................

    Friday, January 6, 2012

    Back Again???

    wtf? is probably what u are thinking if u read this blog but i will be giving this blog back to AiriFanChuuu~ so no more ReinaFanChuuu~
    Bye Byez~~~